Sunday, December 11, 2011

Maybe I Should Just Pass on the Cheesecake

A few weeks ago a friend showed me an "app" on her smartphone that would track progress and map out walking paths. Looked pretty cool so I immediately downloaded it. It also allows an option to add friends to compare notes and challenge workouts. Sounded wonderful and I tried it out as soon as I was ready for a walk. Not being technologically astute, as previously lamented on these pages, the first use of the program was totally unsatisfying. About every third step a voice from my pocket would yell "auto pause", then seconds later "auto resume". After about a minute and a half of that, being a slow learner, I finally just turned it off. Returning home I looked into the settings function and discovered the ability to turn off the "auto pause" function, and happily enjoyed the use of my application on the very next walk. Not only does it map my walking path, but give data that includes distance walked, elevation changes, speed walked and OH YES, calories burned. Such a comfort to know that the 500 calorie piece of cheesecake indulgence can be offset by walking four miles uphill...well maybe NOT so comforting. Perhaps I should have only eaten half the cheesecake. Either way, a bit of personal control and accountability seems like a good thing.

I have told many of my friends about the application and several have now added it to their smart phones. As I mentioned earlier, friends can share workout information with me and I with them...I think. So far I have accepted several friends into my fitness community, but I cannot see any of their progress. I wonder if they can see mine. Often I find myself at a loss where technology is concerned. The interaction of others figuring out methods of using the technology seems to be required with most things these days. Dogpatch is sorely absent of such interest, at least among my acquaintances. Maybe I need to make another trip to the Lone Star state where I was first introduced to this new wonder, or maybe I will eventually figure it out on my own. Sometimes I'm pretty stubborn that way.

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