Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And the Green Grass Grows

Today in the big city near the coast, we worry not about yard and lawn work, opting instead to rent a living space with all that maintenance provided.  In the summer heat, I'm sure we will be grateful for those workers mowing and trimming and planting pretties.  Today I mourn the lost chance to be making things bloom myself.  I'm thinking of starting a little herb garden out on the tiny patio.  When the urge to cook hits, those will come in handy.  I may have to find some citrus mulch though to discourage critters from taking advantage of soft rich soil.  That will probably be the extent of possible horticulture events for me.

This morning, our neighbor texted two photos from the back side of the playhouse.  The grass has come in beautifully and created a verdant carpet behind the rocks. Oh yes, we do have green grass growing...I'm counting on my friends to watch it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Coffee City

Today I enjoyed my morning coffee at Dancing Girl's house.  It's always a special pleasure to sip the brew in one of her collection of oversized Starbucks mugs.  The city named along with it's skyline view has evolved on these lovely cups through several variations. The simple originals are my favorites. My mood was set when I selected this view!.
San Diego Sunshine was the start for my day!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Music for some ears, Noise to others!

Our oldest grand daughter has been driving for some time now.  Her little hand-me-down SUV was outfitted with new tires, brakes and cleared for safety long before she began the process of learning to drive it.  Equipped with the original radio in it's non-working state, the vehicle has provided a silent ride to date.  She hasn't complained, but did check into the cost of repairing the accessory. She opted to purchase gasoline instead, a lot of gasoline.  Balancing the cost to repair the am/fm radio with cd player vs an after market installation of one with bluetooth capabilities as well as compatibility with her music player and phone, it required little thought.

Ol' Abner had searched for a couple of weeks, finding acceptable radios in places where the installation kit and other tools to make it fit and play properly seemed elusive.  It was our mission today to find the entire set of equipment.  Grand daughter's birthday is later this week and we were out of time.  He is distraught because he will be unable to go install it himself, but found a workable alternative with a little help from son-in-law.  

The package is on it's way and she should be able to enjoy her tunes as she rides, and talk on her phone hands-free.  It was Son's birthday today, and no package is headed it's way to him.  We did have a nice phone conversation with him, but I regret that not even a card was mailed. We'll have to make that one up to him!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

One Fine Dog!

She posed just for us!
Our dog is difficult when it comes to photos.  When I hold up a camera or a phone, she either turns away or lays back her ears making her face look strange.  She is staying at Son and Daughter-In-Law's home for now and we are missing her terribly.  Yesterday, Son sat down in his chair and asked her if she wanted to let Dad and Mom see her.  She actually posed for him, and this was the result.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Remembering the Beauty!

 It seems like it was years ago when I visited the mountains of Costa Rica!  Though it has been just over a month, the memories of the beautiful sights and special people are still so fresh.  I loved the lush landscapes and singing birds.  The flowers were abundant and colorful.  I will hold these views in my minds forever.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Backyard Adventures

It was quite a show yesterday.  The wasp nest in the fence intimidated the humans in J-Cuz's backyard.  Since she is highly allergic to stings from such varmints, she brought out the long range spray can.  Ol' Abner probably fears wasps more than any other natural hazard, and I don't know if J-Don has a fear of anything.  I opted to watch from behind the breakfast room window where I could properly comfort two furry creatures through the spectacle.
There's a wasp nest on the fence post!

J-Don thinks these two might be
dangerous with that volatile stuff!

OK! Looks like they all died
a quick and decisive death!
When the fierce flying threat had been obliterated, the pups and I strolled outside to declare the backyard safe for play again.  Job well done folks!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Soldier's Story

This morning I read a touching memoir from Dancing Girl's father, written by her son.  She tells me her father never wanted to talk about his experiences in World War II.  Family members had mentioned that he lied about his age in order to join the army after the Pearl Harbor attack.  She knew he was a member of the "Fighting 69th" only because her parents had attended some of the reunions a few years ago.  He finally talked to his oldest grandson a few months ago when they both visited my friend's home in Lago Vista.  

He talked of riding on a train in the cold German winter, the train stopping, and his realization that the engine was no longer attached to the "sitting duck" rail cars.  He referred to himself as a cold, eighteen year old kid, and I have to wonder if that was a conscious oversight.  Born in 1926, he would not have been eighteen until the war was almost over. He described  these events as some of the first experiences of his military life. 

Today, at sixteen, a youth would not be allowed to join active duty military...and few would want to take that action!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dog Days

Today is the day!  As soon as an overnight packet arrives from the transplant co-ordinator, we will back out of the driveway and begin the journey to the future.  Last night we established the dog in her new home at son's house.  Daughter in law listened intently as we instructed her in the use of medication for said animal.  We changed veterinarians a couple of weeks ago, and the new one is very close to their house.  Leaving our beloved pet is probably the most difficult part of this transition.  She is now eleven and a half years old, and like us, her age is showing.  With support of family and friends, we will weather this storm and return stronger!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

No Play for the Playhouse...Yet!

It's been a wild few months of spring, but the bluebonnets are out and I am a reaffirmed Texan. Still too cool to plant summer blooming flowers, I postponed filling the flower beds held in place by retaining walls of natural stone in front of the playhouse.  I vowed to plant my blooms as soon as I returned from Central America mid-March.  

Instead I returned in time to spend another week in the medical center as Ol' Abner was tested, poked, prodded and aggravated.  The result was acceptance into the frightening world of those awaiting an organ transplant.  We received the call on April Fool's day, but no jokes were in order.  

The playhouse is finished and ready.  Shelving has been installed and most of Ol' Abner's toys have found their new home quite accommodating.  He won't have a chance to play for a few more months though.  
It's already filled with toys!
We still have space in the yard
 for planting or swimming...

We have great neighbors and son has promised to come get some of the toys and play with them from time to time. Our friends will keep a close eye on the homeplace and he is very anxious to return sans oxygen.  Some of his "dirty jobs" must be relegated to history.  His immune system will be repressed to prevent rejection of his new lung.  I guess I'll just have to learn to enjoy the "dirty jobs"!