Friday, March 27, 2020


Our world is smack dab in the middle of a disastrous pandemic. I mention that just in case you are snuggled down in a quiet basement not allowing intrusion from the outside. In Texas Hill country most counties are under order to “stay at home”. My business is considered essential and all my workers carry the letter specifying same. 

My business is in the midst of a perfect storm although I must be grateful to each and everyone of my staff. A large payment due early last week was not received, and has still not arrived.  Our payor took advantage of bad news headlines and chose not to pay the debt to us. Other customers are paying rapidly, but a behemoth payment was necessary to clear expenses incurred on behalf the biggest project in progress. Eleven days post due date and I am told all hurdles have been crossed. Meanwhile my faithful employees diligently go about their necessary duties. Today marks the second week that paychecks were not dropped into their bank accounts. 

I refuse to succumb to the predictions of doom. I cannot, when I look into to the eyes of the young men at the jobsite. A precious neighbor had a supply of non-perishable foodstuff. I took it to the work area. As I left, these men all waved from an appropriate social distance with a shout of “thank you”! I know, this too, shall pass. 

Stay home, stay safe, and wash everything often, especially your hands!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Clean dishes?

I know it’s there, seldom noticed, but getting bigger daily! Such is the collection of grime around the edge of my dishwasher door. This morning I couldn’t take any more. I sprayed the filth with liquid cleaner, wiggled the grungy gasket around and wiped away the residue.  Sounds simple enough? Not exactly. A damp cloth had to be rinsed several dozen times to rid its surface of the sticky brown grease. It made me a little sick to think the shiny sparkling dishes removed from this appliance had to pass from behind this goo. 

My hands ache, my knees are bruised and my back and neck may be in permanent strain. The white shiny edge of my dishwasher door interior is cleaned. Appliance literature promises a “sealed door” to prevent leakage. Now how did all that residue manage to deposit into the space under and around the seal. Note to self: wipe the edge of the door before unloading clean dishes. There. That should solve the problem. We’ll see. (Actually it’s the things we don’t see that haunt my early morning hours until I’m wide awake)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Ain’t No Sunshine

Barely a month ago I posted plans for a busy social schedule intermingled with active work. Oh how the world has changed. With a background in healthcare, family members with suppressed immunity, and my grandmother’s common sense, I practice germophobic-like safety routinely. Co-vid 19 has brought us all to attention. Our vulnerable population can lose a life from the nasty persistent bug. Panic takes on many different looks. Some feel the need to overbuy necessities, depriving others to access. Seeking medical advice has kept our medical professionals in overtime, hyper-vigilant citizens are mingling while social distancing. 

Meanwhile I crave a day of sunshine for which Central Texas is known at this season. Again this morning I see overcast skies on a cool morning. Rainfall has begun. It appears my sunshine will not come today.