Sunday, October 28, 2012

Will the chill last?

It was a very busy week and the next one promises more of the same.  Winter clothes in my closet feel really good now, but many of them are just a bit too large.  I'm thinking they need to head for charity before I decide to grow back into them.  I feel some shopping for light weight long sleeved tops and perhaps a pair of better fitting pants may be on the agenda.  In fact, I probably can move down one size in jeans.  If I buy them when they are just a bit snug, I will be motivated to walk briskly and remember my weight training.  (note to self: find box with free weights and resistance bands).

My sis is bringing Papa down on the first of the month to spend a week or so with us.  Because of his progressive dementia, one of us will need to be with him at all times.  Not so long ago, he could spend several hours alone if he had a good western to watch.  Now, he seems to wander around and we all fear for his safety.  Still, he is cheerful and always appreciative of all his children.  Sadly, he cannot always remember our name.

We still await the estimate for building the new garage.  The builder had promised to have his proposal to us early this last week and we are still waiting.  Ol' Abner is beginning to share my frustration.  When we moved to the Ozarks and purchased a home needing an addition, the local builders were enjoying a building boom and couldn't be bothered with our little job.  It took us six months to hire a contractor and another two months before he could begin work.  Seems we have moved into an area with another "building boom".

Halloween parties were the news we kept hearing this weekend, so the Trick or Treaters cannot be far in the future.  A check of the calendar reminds me that my cute goody baskets are all still on a shelf at Mountain Girl's new home.  I guess I'll just use any old basket to hand out candy on the designated evening.  My neighbors haven't mentioned the quantity of children we might expect to treat.  With a small bag of snickers, I  will dispense candy until it's gone, then turn out the lights and go to bed.  I do hope it's dark by then!

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