Sunday, January 8, 2012


Walking around our little berg gives me a sense of peace most days.  Last fall I noticed the number of flags flown proudly  around town.  Even on a day not necessarily a patriotic holiday, most of the homes display a flag on sort of staff.  As I walked my mile, I counted nineteen flags along the way.  Some large, some small, but all properly displayed.  Proper flag etiquette is common knowledge in an area where many military retirees and veterans live.

We take the right to wave the flag or not for granted in this country.  Not all citizens of the world enjoy this privilege and some are unaware of it's lack.  Residents of Dogpatch are fiercely loyal to the line of the political divide they follow, but their patriotism is unquestioned.  I like that.  Ol' Abner was somewhat taken aback when he read in the Homeowner Association guidelines of the area of Texas where we sought to buy a home, that no flagpoles of any type were allowed.

The flags flying in Dogpatch are met with a new level of appreciation on this quiet morning.  I am grateful for the neighbors sharing our pride of country and gladly maintaining it's symbol.  I am grateful to live in a country where our freedoms are protected and our right to agree or disagree with our government can be freely expressed.

Though I seldom wear my patriotism or my religion on my sleeve, both beliefs are deeply ingrained in my psyche.  July 4th, Independence Day, is my favorite holiday for many reasons.  I love the spirit, the uninhibited feasting, flag waving at it's best and of course the lack of need to purchase gifts.  Not a fan of shooting fireworks myself, I never miss the fireworks display wherever I may be for the holiday.

The Flag of the United States of America can be flown with pride in our nation. I am thankful for that!

Hopefully we will always live where patriotism is encouraged and pride in country can be displayed.  Flags and the staffs from which they hang should
always be properly maintained. A second flag for state, military affiliation or sports loyalty is always a nice touch.
New York Yankee Flag

In my opinion, SOME flagpoles are just wasted!
One would seem so to this Texas Ranger fan!  It is a free country.

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