Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's not Even Green!

Ol' Abner is a stubborn soul.  He's been kicking tires and trying to convince me I need a new car for over a year.  I was very much in the mindset for a trade up about three years ago. When the ailing air conditioner was so easily repaired, that urge passed quickly.  He has ramped up the pressure in the last year or so.  Kicking tires on Sunday afternoon has occupied many days whether I was with him or not.  He has read all the reviews of the newest models and has shared the results of that research with me frequently.  Of course I should have seen where this was going.  We've played this silly game before.  He asks what kind of car I would like.  There was a time that a luxury SUV was high on my list, but that time has long passed.  Parking spaces are just too small these days and maneuvering the Texas Medical Center parking garages has made me think perhaps I should dredge up my ancient grudge at him for selling my VW Bug many years ago.  My current response to the car choice question lately has been "I would like another just like the one I have".  It's a futile question, he knows, since they stopped making my kind of car five years ago.  His research uncovered one of those bits of information about shared technology.  He had found a brand using the same features I have liked so much in my ten year old car.

Yesterday, I was grumbling about being almost out of gas.  He knows I hate pumping gas, but he currently cannot do it for me.  He had run me all over town on spontaneous shopping and eating adventures.  He suggested we drop in at an auto dealership that just happened to be on the service road we were traveling.  I was tired and really had other plans for my day, but I humored him. He had me on the test drive when the salesman mentioned that every car purchased leaves the lot with a full tank of gas!  At that point I didn't even care what color it was.  I now have a back up camera, built in navigation system...and all the new technology I don't yet know how to use. 

We had a phone call just as we finished agreeing to purchase and had to go to the hospital to re-admit Ol' Abner, so they filled the tank and we left.  I'll go back tomorrow and get a formal lesson on the use of all these new goodies.  When Dancing Girl returns from the West Coast, she'll probably have to finish fine tuning my expertise.  She did manage to get my bluetooth telephone capability activated last night.  A few months ago she bought a new car with all these enhancements and unlike me she's not technologically obtuse.

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