Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Age Defying

A good friend only slightly younger but much more agile than me had the nerve to forward a video today. I love to watch the YouTube videos. Often they provide thought provoking information, and some are clever performances by pets. Today's offering made my jaw drop and my hips hurt. An 87 year old woman Salsa dancing, and I don't mean a few little steps. I watched as she spun and shook around the dance floor in full rhythm and spunky speed to the Latin rhythms. The performance was just over 4 minutes, longer than I can walk in place, let alone spin and swirl and click my high heels. I would need CPR. Despite the fact that I have bought new walking shoes and secumbed to the four legged critter's demands for multiple outings, I was totally mortified by the woman claiming to be older than my own dear Mammy acting perkier than I have felt in twenty years. Friend titled the missive "Me in a few years-haha". Does that mean she was kidding...or being facetious? I prefer to think she was laughing with delightful anticipation of her advancing years...You Go Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Be wary of the videos. There's a new uh-oh being spread through videos on Facebook. Looks like posted or shared video. Head's uup.
