Friday, June 15, 2012

On the Road Again!

Windshield time has stacked up fast in the last couple of weeks.  We drove home from the hill country to  pack again for a trip to West Texas.  We took PaPa to my sister's home and spent a couple of days visiting with them before checking into a motel for Ol' Abner's high school multi-school, multi-year reunion.

The Reunion was a raging success.  With over 300 registered attendees, hugs, laughter and introductions were plentiful.  I had never met most of this group, although I'd heard the names many times.  The idea sprouted during a previous high school reunion when a few folks from the same junior high gathered to delve further down memory lane.  During the sixties, the hometown was growing rapidly and students from one junior high might be split to another middle school halfway through that stage.  Those same groups were later graduates of any of four, then five possible high schools.  One man urged that a reunion must be planned, another told him to "go for it" and a co-ed from the era was recruited to help.

Ol' Abner first heard about it on a social network site and asked my opinion.  When he mentioned names already on board, I told him to absolutely make our reservation.  That was over a year ago, but the much anticipated date arrived with no less enthusiasm.  Childhood friendships and teenage acquaintances were renewed and strengthened with mature knowledge of their importance.

As the evening wound down, we faced another twelve hours of drive time, only to sleep a night and send Ol' Abner off on a six hour journey to get a tooth repaired.  One day to pack and load a trailer, then back to the Texas hills.  With several medical visits in the near future, pressure is on to do what we can now.

Son brought one of his company's backhoes out yesterday and began to remove some of the cedar trees from the empty space behind the house.  The goal is to have the monster garage (male type playhouse) ready for layout by the weekend, so plans can be prepared for requesting a building permit.

For now, we'll anticipate a bit more windshield time.  More bugs will assuredly commit suicide this week.

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