Saturday, April 14, 2012

Here, There, and Everywhere!

The days are flying by right now.  How did it already become Saturday again?  We've been busy sorting through treasures and trash, realizing at times one becomes the other.  With our next trip to the Lone Star State, ownership of a home there will become reality.  Decisions about things worth taking and other things better left behind are constant.  Friendships are recognized as particularly valuable and as much of every day as possible is spent enjoying the people that make living here so wonderful.  We will keep this house and plan several return trips to the mountain each year.  Still, it's a bit disconcerting to envision a footprint in each state.

Ol' Abner has been gathering all the parts and pieces of his projects so they can be moved en mass for future completion.  I've been furiously working to complete several things in progress. Planned projects are being stored in totes for another time.  Insurance agents in each state must be maintained.  Household maintenance must be arranged in advance instead of attending when necessary.  Plants will have to be the kind of independent sprouts that require little care, and furniture will thinned to provide comfort in two homes instead of one.

Worked into the migration schedule are Ol' Abner's medical needs.  Tests are scheduled, completion of his dental work, cardiology follow-up, and repeat attempt of the Intra-trachial oxygen port will be part of the travel for the next few months.

Special birthdays must be celebrated and important reunions will be attended.  Decisions for traveling with the dog or letting her enjoy her busy social life on the mountain will be considered with each journey.

The prospect of all that's on my plate seems overwhelming at times, but life goes on and we'll just live through the transition day by day.

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