Thursday, February 9, 2012

Little Dramas...don't make them Traumas

I'm sitting in an almost empty hotel room killing time.  Most of my travel stuff is well organized and placed in the truck ready to travel.  We brought the dog with us and she is really sure we should be with all our stuff.  She gets a bit dramatic when she thinks we might be in danger of being left behind.

Ol' Abner is having seriously extreme dental work this week.  Half the work was done yesterday and he had to return to the prosthodontist's chair for another marathon of poking and grinding and insertion of more temporary teeth.  This process of repairing damage from years of smoking, grinding teeth while sleeping and an aversion to dental floss has taken a little over a year.  Deep scaling and surgical repair of his gums was completed by the periodontist and he's had good reports on his upkeep since.  He's learned to love the floss.  Preceding this set of appointments, prep work involved measuring and molding.  We thought he would come away with caps and crowns and implants that would last for the rest of his life.  He has temporary caps on his top teeth now and will have temporary caps on his lower teeth at the end of today.

Guess that means we'll have to make another trip to replace the temporaries.  Let's hope that can be accomplished in a one day trip.

Meanwhile, I think the dog and I may just go for a walk.  There is a lovely walking path with ponds and bridges nearby.  When we are there, she doesn't seem to care if our stuff is with us or not.

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