Saturday, May 28, 2016

Mountain Views

Our decision to drive to San Francisco and return by way of Grand Canyon allowed for gorgeous mountain landscapes as we traveled from the Texas Hill Country, through the Texas Plains and into the the New Mexico Desert. Throughout most of our journey the highway was framed by mountain ranges.

I snapped most of these photos from the front seat of the car.  I was so grateful that Ol' Abner was taking advantage of his new improved vision and wanted to drive.  As the terrain changed, the colors and style of the hills followed. It made me wish I had majored in geology...that knowledge could have been handy here.
As we passed from New Mexico into Arizona, not so subtle changes occurred.  Grays and browns turned to Red.  Ol' Abner mused that the Indians inhabiting these mountains must have been some pretty tough cookies. (well not exactly his words, but trust me, my version is a little gentler)

It took us three days of steady driving to reach our destination in Concord, California.  Very few moments of "Are we there yet?" occurred.  Oh wait, getting out of Tuscon created a bit of trauma.  The train blocking the road under the freeway was at least ten miles long and traveling at five mph...and so we waited, and waited.
 I couldn't resist making Ol' Abner pose in front of one of those beautiful mountains as we stopped at a road side park in Arizona.  He was for once agreeable and stuck nothing in his ears and almost smiled for the camera!  Wow...success, wouldn't you say?
 Several sunsets delighted us as we traveled west.  I didn't get the full joy of photographing through the windshield, but take my word for it...they were awesome to see.
Crossing the border into California more hills graced the roadsides.  As we left the Los Angeles area the next morning we drove up Highway 5 (a road that didn't even exist when Ol' Abner was cruising CA as a young Marine)  The farmers signs decrying the government's taking of their water were sad.   We saw a few orchards that were completely dead and reservoirs that appeared to contain copious amounts of liquid.  Hmmm, I may need to read a little more about this.  The good news, we arrived safely in Concord in time for a lovely dinner with family and get a good night of rest before a day in the City by the Bay!

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