I'm dealing with way too much unfinished business these days. We are planning to attend Ol' Abners multi-year school reunion this weekend. Before we go, projects at home must be completed. Plants will hopefully survive in our absence. Golf Cart will be ready for delivery sometime next week and the golf pro hasn't yet worked me into the schedule! Photos from trips are still awaiting sorting and passing along to relevant recipients. I really need a haircut but hairdresser hasn't returned my call. I did get a pedicure yesterday, but manicure will have to wait til this evening after I do a little more yard work. Belle did get her bath and toenails clipped yesterday. OK, I'm feeling better. A few things have been checked off. Most of the laundry is completed and the floors will be this morning's project. Now that's a partial list of physical projects, but I must manage to work through the mental issues.
When our children are in upheaval, we always feel the stress. Health issues always are a concern, and my goofy brain won't turn off. Some belong to me, others to friends. Worry isn't my forte'. I tend to give a problem some thought, determine if I can offer a solution, then resort to prayer when all else fails. I know that's not the way it should happen, but I'm a stubborn sort and tend to give it my best shot first. We must allow our children to grow and become independent. My mother always believed that the result of good parenting was a self reliant child. Does self-reliance mean they should be far away? I don't think so. Now I have to pray for acceptance!
On a good note, the air conditioner was repaired on the same day as my last whine!
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