I indulged in a sleep-in this morning. My bed felt so good, it was hard to give up the squirming and stretching and finally crawl out of it. The weekend was wonderful and a good night's rest just reaffirmed that I'm not as young as I was once!
We began Thursday with the arrival of Guitar Man and Dancing Girl. After they closed on their house Friday morning, we reviewed the inventory of things to move in and things to buy. We had just arrived at a burger place for lunch when Stan the Golfcart man called to tell them he was on his way to deliver the little blue jewel they had purchased. We finished eating and returned to take delivery...and as yet I'm not sure the wheeled baby has a name, but she cruises between our homes quite well, even with some oversized behinds loaded! The remainder of the afternoon was spent purchasing nuts and bolts, blinds and appliances to make the new home ready. A plumber met the men while we finished the purchases, and again I am in awe of Dancing Girl. She can find a bargain and dicker it down every bit as well as Ol' Abner. Friday night, exhausted and satisfied that the process was begun, we traveled into town for our favorite steak dinner and West Texas Wine.
Saturday was a day of working at the new home. An empty house always requires serious cleaning, and Ol' Abner and Guitar Man worked diligently with minor and a few fairly major repairs. I observed all this industry for a time, then bailed on them to meet Daughter and her family to see the newest action flick episode. We returned to my house in time for the tired workers to begin cooking on the grill. Oh yes, I made it just in time to see the Kentucky Derby sans my hat and mint julep. Dancing Girl sliced and plated vegetables while I made a big pitcher of Lemon-Drop Martinis. Son and Daughter In Law arrived and we all indulged in a few hours of eating, drinking and reminiscing.
Last night our new neighbors/house guests departed for their permanent residence, tired but still excited. They'll be back next weekend with a load of stuff and to take delivery of more purchases.
This morning, at my house, plumbing is disconnected and the granite installers and plumber are on their way...soon I hope. Breakfast is a bit of a challenge without a kitchen sink or counter tops. We bought granite to replace the bathroom counter tops, too. Now I better go get those cleared. Oh yes, I did deserve a few extra minutes of snooze time this morning.
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