Tuesday, April 30, 2013

At Sea

Our ship was a very very very fine ship!
My first cruise was wonderful.  How many times have my friends and family used that exact word? They were right.  From an idealic vista, I was indulged and pampered, entertained and intrigued.  The views from the balcony were incredible.  I've never spent time at sea and I understand the urge to simply board a cruise ship and never leave.  The sea was smooth and the water was warm.  I could go again right now, but alas home feels quite nice, too!
Catamaran Rides

Sunset from the stern
New ships that look old
Some need no ship
The sights in Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel were impressive.  The sunsets and sunrises were thrilling.  The sea is soothing.  Oh yes, I understand now!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sea Breeze and Sunshine!

Tomorrow I leave for Galveston to board a boat cruising to the Caribbean.  I can hardly wait.  My bags are packed except for the carry-on that I will fill after I dress in the morning.  I'm thinking I will partake of all the sunshine and gentle sea breezes possible.  No internet access seems strangely appealing.  I will read a few unfinished books on my kindle, work a few sudoku puzzles, walk the decks and I'm sure a little gambling might prove interesting.  A daily swim sounds like fun and of course meals prepared with little effort on my part are always appealing.  My sister and her family will be my traveling companions, so even the trips to shore when in port have been planned for me.

While I'm away, Ol' Abner has plans to make major progress on the yard and maybe even get the garage started.  No doubt, he will spend some time at City Hall.  Oh yes, he's going to motorcycle races at the new Formula One race track for the next two days.  Son's birthday celebration will be on Sunday at the races.  We had dinner with them last night so I could remind him how he got here!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Another illusion down the tank!  Both my grandmothers lived into their nineties enjoying reasonable decent health until their final few months.  My mother lived to 75 with a demise from cancer attributed to years of cigarette smoking.  One Grandfather lived til 96 and the other died of a heart ailment at 68. My father (not Pappy) died at 53 from lung cancer, another one to blame on cigarette smoking.  My premise here:  I never smoked, I will enjoy a long healthy life!  My little Doctor Girl (I can call her that because she is a bit younger than my daughter) shattered my plan today.  Well, not really.  I'm not on the verge of eminent death, in fact I'm not even ill.  Seems my long life is gonna take a little more work than planned.

A few months ago, my annual exam revealed total cholesterol that had spiked since the previous year. It's been creeping up over the last decade, but 40 points was a bit too much.  Doctor Girl was much more concerned than I thought was necessary.  She asked if I would like to participate in a heart health study that included in depth lab and genetic tests predictive of heart disease.  Of course I agreed, all studies need a few duds that show nothing, right?

I embarked on her recommendation that I eat according to the Mediterranean diet.  I read several glowing reports of the success of this plan for overall health and weight control!  Bingo, weight loss would be wonderful, and I do like the foods.  Unfortunately I like most foods and this was the holiday season.  After the first of the year, I began preparing healthy seafood, chicken, brown rice and lots of vegetables.  Ol' Abner grumbled, but he should have been eating this way all along (I told him that anyway).  After 12 weeks, the lab dutifully drew my venom...uh..I mean blood, and forwarded the results for dissemination.

The good news relayed by my smiling practitioner was successful drop in my cholesterol to a high normal.  All my other lab values were in the mid to high normal levels. I already knew the sad fact that my weight had not changed one ounce.  She handed me my copy of the study explaining that results highlighted in green were very good, yellow would be indication that possible intermediate risk exists and red marks high risk for cardiovascular event.  Mostly green blocks on the pages with a few yellow blocks interspersed...and two big RED boxes.  Both of the ugly red suckers were not a picture of my current health, but those ugly genes that I cannot see.  She gently explained that these are elements of my health I cannot change...wait, I want new cards!

I'm not sure how I feel about this news.  I suppose it's good to know that continuing healthy eating habits and regular exercise may prevent an early death from heart disease.  I planned to follow the path of my grandmothers without effort!  Doggone it, now I'm really feeling a need for a lovely dish of Creme' Brulee!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

On and On and...

How did I ever find time to work for pay.  My days get away all too quickly with mundane tasks, errands and keeping up with family and friends.  A smaller home hasn't really lessened the time required for up keep...in fact, lack of storage complicates many activities.

As I work on final plans for several upcoming trips, Ol' Abner is continuing to deal with health maintenance projects.  Today he had to go in for several tests, none pleasant. My plan was to accompany him and we would do some shopping along the way.  Oxygen delivery is today and someone must be home for that critical arrival.  I need to make a run to the bank and get some fresh produce, but it will have to be worked around the bottles of oxygen for restocking the garage rack.

We did pick out some granite yesterday.  We found a slab of one we both loved and they seemed to have plenty for our needs.  Now it's up to the installer to pick it up and cut to fit.  I picked out a new sink to fit underneath.  It would be nice to have an apron style sink, but that's a whole different battle.  Some things are just better when settled.

Grandchildren's and son's birthdays will be celebrated early, because everyone's schedule is crazy these days.  Friends from Tuscon bypassed us and went straight to the mountain.  Do we really sound that crazy?  Other friends will be here from time to time as they attempt to get a second home purchased in our little town.  In the meantime, the manly garage should begin taking shape in the next couple of weeks...or perhaps, months.  I am anxious to plan some landscaping, but for now I'll be silent on that issue.  My compost bin hasn't finished making new dirt anyway.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Unseasonably cool weather with frequent fog and sprinkles take my mood into the doldrums.  Ol' Abner is snippy these days and seems to think I am overly demanding.  Our latest squabble was over shrubs, yes, shrubs!  I won't bore you with the ugly details.  It's enough to say that I like variety of form and color, he prefers matchy-matchy!

Today we are headed for the granite yard to pick out new counter tops for the kitchen.  Back splash will probably need replacement too.  I foresee a disagreement coming.  I love the  color in the formica counter tops currently in the kitchen.  The problem...it's formica.  Hopefully we can find a granite sample with similar look.  He will want to have a change that's evident.

I am planning a trip soon and he will have the counter tops replaced while I am away.  Oh my, that means I must choose a new kitchen sink!  Please let me find one that can be delivered in time.  Time is running out.  I better go awake him from his morning nap.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Fever!

Dog and I are feeling restless again.  Our exercise has been limited for too many easy reasons lately.  She's developing a little paunch...and I won't even think about the sour note from the scale in the bathroom. It's not pretty!  Now that the spring/Easter cold snap is in the past, we must regain our commitment to a daily stroll flanked by alternate days in the gym.  Laziness has been so very easy to embrace for a couple of weeks now.

Trauma and roller coaster events in lives of friends and family keep my mind racing.  I know how those poor greyhounds feel as they chase the bunny on a pole around the track!  Where is the rescue team when we need them?

Oh well, I'm putting on my walking shoes and going outside to hear the birds singing up close and personal.  Belle's ready.

Monday, April 1, 2013

No daisies

It seemed like a strange time for Easter to come along.  After all, it was still March! I casually mentioned to daughter in law a week or so ago that we should think about an Easter brunch.  Actually I was thinking one of the yummy presentations offered by the great eateries in the area would be a nice way to spend a cool spring morning.  I hadn't yet gathered any spring flowers or for that matter, no friendship with a florist has been struck in our new surroundings.  Yep, this circumstance is making me miss my friend, Flower Girl.  It seemed like turning the celebration over to strangers for hire might be a good option.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear.  Shortly thereafter, DIL posted and tagged me on a social network with a recipe recommendation for a brunch casserole.  Sounded easy enough.  The foundation was set.  I was serving Easter Brunch!  I didn't quite get into it until Saturday afternoon, when it occurred to me that we were out of eggs!  With a promise to cook soon, I lured Ol' Abner to the grocery store.  I texted DIL that she should spread the word that brunch would be served around 10:30 or 11ish.  She would have preferred a little earlier, but my little oven only cooks so fast (not to mention, I don't often get moving early).

Not a single flower adorned my brunch table, but the simple food was good.  DIL arrived in time to stir up a big batch of tiny biscuits to complement the casserole, avocado-tomato mix and fruit salad.  Did I mention the mimosas with which we primed the appetite?  Surely no one else noticed the lack of floral offerings.

It's a nice Monday morning after the quiet celebration, and with no wilting flowers to  salvage, leftovers are the joy of the day. Oh wait, now I remember why I like to have holiday celebrations at home.  It's the leftovers! Yes, that's how we stretch the celebration over several days. Now what on earth will I do with the Blueberry-Banana dessert, Lemon Icebox pie, and White Chocolate Cheesecake.  This crowd does love desserts, but why wouldn't they take some home!   We will just have to persevere...

Brother In Law cannot go home to West Texas until this dessert is finished!