Earlier this month I celebrated a milestone birthday. As I advance into a new decade of living, I choose to ignore the number associated. After all, many fail to make this much progress in years. I struggle constantly with technology. I refuse to accept that it possibly has passed me by. The newer large font size is a testament, that I can still see clearly, but just don't want to squint.
I thrive in chaos I suppose. I am now the sole owner of two companies. My son runs both and has accepted the weight of responsibility I have dumped on his shoulders.
I really just want to sew! I am adapting my dining room to serve as my sewing space. The china hutch will soon be filled with colorful swatches of fabric. I no longer need to store china and crystal...but what to do with it?.?! I could sell it or donate it, but for now it is packed and stored in a garage cabinet.
I suspect Ol' Abner would not be surprised by any of this, but I can almost hear him gritting his teeth, saying "Now what!".