Friday, May 26, 2017


We have about a dozen young friends graduating from high school and a few more celebrating completion of a college curriculum for a degree! This is the weekend my high school class will celebrate the anniversary of our own walk across the stage for a diploma. The first event of this reunion began at noon, with lunch in a legendary restaurant,and additional events throughout the three day weekend.  We made plans many months ago to attend.  It was not meant to be.

Ol' Abner has been going through the process to fight his cancer. Yes, it is hard to say,but he has cancer.  An aggressive treatment plan was outlined and preparation began.  Two specialists would treat concurrently with radiation daily and chemotherapy weekly. First we had to consult a surgeon to have a port installed for delivery of the chemotherapy and provide a better access for drawing blood.  The radiation oncologist mapped out the location for targeting radiation, but found some suspicious fluid around his lung.  That fluid had to be removed before we could proceed.That fluid contained cancer cells, meaning we must change to a more aggressive chemo plan. He is officially considered in Stage Four, and options are shrinking as well as his life expectancy.  

This news was given to us the morning we had planned to leave for my reunion.  Additional planning called for reorganizing our weekend, actually we are reorganizing our life! We will indulge in a quiet few days of reflection.

Friday, May 19, 2017's reality!

Aging is a tough process.  I was convinced I would do it so much better than my ancestors.  A few months ago, I realized that goal has passed me.  I often stand and walk like an old lady.  I appreciate the easy-open medicine bottles, provided for homes with no small children. Ol' Abner reminds me from time to time that I AM old, not as old as he is, but accurately classified as a "senior citizen"!  

Even our dog has accelerated the aging process, despite adjustments in her diet to control weight and keep her mind active.  She required a "knee replacement" in January.  While it is well healed, she walks like an "old lady" now.  She no longer runs, but walks quickly with a prissy little prance.  When she wants to join us on the dog friendly sofas, we must lift her up.  These days, I am grateful for the ten pounds she shed last year.

If only I could adhere to a daily "green bean" filler in my diet, and if only they made "Bright Mind" food for old humans.  

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Time for a New Plan

I've been complaining continually since the beginning of the year, probably not a good idea.  I griped about the rainy weather, then the wind that dried out the ground and blew in the pollen.  I griped about being stuck on the 26th floor at Houston Methodist Outpatient Center when the weather was delightful outside. After a low score on his Pulmonary Function Test, the transplant center called us back to Houston repeatedly for further testing...I fussed.  Ol' Abner suffered a nosebleed that would not end, in a Holiday Inn, and I griped about having to explain to the housekeeping supervisor that no murder had occurred in that room. After I griped about having to spend so much time in Houston, I complained about a week of finding a Ear Nose and Throat specialist, and arriving for additional tests closer to home.  These have been my horrible thoughts lately, and I must say I should be ashamed of myself.  Don't ever say it cannot get worse.  It just did!

Strangely enough, Ol' Abner and I are at peace now.  We have answers, not good ones, but the questions are now more of what to do about it instead of "what is it?".  We will see an oncologist later today and map out a plan to cure the cancer that has been found growing in his native lung. As for me, I plan to stop complaining!