Friday, July 27, 2012

Movin' On

It's been a busy week on this mountain.  Ol' Abner has been extra busy getting his boats ready to move to the other lake.  I have been sorting through treasures that may have become junk, and the junk had to go.  The basement is still filled with plastic totes that probably need to be reviewed and revised.  A recent flurry of activity in town has sparked new interest in our home, and yesterday we accepted an offer.  A mover will be here this morning to plan for a furniture move later this month, and sister and bother in law are here for one last visit to Dogpatch.  They brought PaPa back from Texas to spend some time with brother and sis-in-law.  We've enjoyed gathering around our big dining room table for a couple of family dinners.  The mid-restoration mustang convertible has been sold to a friend for completion and he will pick it up this weekend.

Everything mentioned heretofore was planned for this week with a trip to the Texas hills to follow.  Sister and Brother in law will follow with a pick-up load of treasures as we travel with a few boxes loaded in the covered back of our pick-up.  Just in case you missed it, Yes, our home in Dogpatch is now under contract for sale!  The long awaited process has begun and the interview with the mover will involve a bit more to load.

Our buyer is Mountain Girl.  She has long admired this property, but many obstacles precluded her decision to buy.  Yesterday the resolution evolved into decisive action and she contacted our mutual realtor to write an offer.  The proposed timing for the transfer of ownership was very generous and I have a sense of peace with thoughts of a future occupant in the house we have called home for several years.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Sadly the drought has reached these mountains.  The few short sprinkles seem to sizzle and dry as they hit the rocky ground.  The heat makes outdoor activities impossible unless one is sitting in the water.  Little water is being released at the dam, which makes the beautiful White River more like the lazy river.

The dog and I still enjoy our morning walks. The hike has been moved to an ever earlier hour.  Our outings at daybreak would have been a lonely sojourn only a month ago.  This week, the eight o'clock walkers seem to have all come out by six lately.  Dogpatch streets are crowded with walkers and even a few runners.  In a community crowded with retirees, it's refreshing to see a man in his seventh decade jogging along as though he's not even tired.  I am grateful my knees will function well enough to take me up and down the hills.

I do love the summer heat.  Unfortunately the naked ladies do not.  The usual displays of tall stalks of glorious pink blooms have chosen to remain underground this year.  I read an article a few years ago that mentioned "tantrums" by this species of flora.  Disturbing them at the wrong time will cause them not to bloom for a year or two.  It would seem the lack of rainfall has the same effect.
Naked Ladies--Memories of Years Past!
These will be the only blooms I'll see in the flower bed under the oak trees this year.  The dear little deer munched on the day lilies as they sprouted earlier and the lilies of the valley never bloomed.  Sigh, maybe the spring rains will come next year.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Summer heat brings out the best and the worst in me, and I've noticed the same trend in others.  Tempers seem short and time slips away at alarming speed when deadlines must be met.  I often forget to take a few minutes and just relax.  Online games pull me to the laptop a couple of times a day, and while that provides a bit of mindless relaxation under the air conditioner, some posts or non-posts there can be a bit disturbing.  I'm thinking it's better to spend my quiet time on the back porch with a good book.  Do you ever wonder about turning off all the electronic media and going dark?  These days, I do...a lot.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Up to Speed Again

A lively luncheon (actually it was snacks and drinks) with a few ladies of the mountain allowed me a chance to catch up on news in Dogpatch.  Flower Girl is on a new diet/exercise program and came to indulge in the company but ate nothing.  With a five pound weight loss behind her she explained that she must eat only protein for today.  I was surprised to see that at least five pounds appeared to have exited her waistline (note to self: do some research on this Dukan Diet)

Other news involved activities of the Dam Knitters.  I am seriously behind on the latest two projects, but it would appear I am not alone.  Summer heat encourages activities that do not involve large quantities of wool yarn on the lap and in the hands.

A Dogpatch resident long known for her walking and reading at the same time has been a dilemma for city officials and law enforcement staff for years.  She chose to traipse around the countryside on a Forest Gump kind of journey.  No running, just walking and walking and walking, all the while reading a book alongside the streets and highways, oblivious to oncoming and passing traffic.  Apparently she has reached a level of dementia that will probably require an institution soon.  For now though, her poor spouse has humored her as she looks for activities.  She arrived at open knitting last week with a duffle bag full of tangled yarn.  During another visit she brought her trash with her and deposited it in the bathroom of the shop.  In desperation, the city leaders had given her a membership to the local gym to keep her off the streets.  The fitness center had no choice but to ban her after several similar (actually much more offensive) incidents.  Oh dear, I do hope the knitters will not need to cope with her behavior much longer.  This could suck the joy out of productive gatherings.

A friend's home is nearing completion on the hill over the river.  Much of the decor has been purchased in large cities far away. Local craftsmen are disgruntled over the defection.

Mountain Girl and Ol' Taxidermist have left town for the weekend to visit Eureka Springs. They will indulge in a bit of pampering and much needed togetherness.  I do hope their suite isn't one of those sometimes revisited by past guests in the  "dead" of night.

Life goes on in our little village, and I really must get the recipe for the gaspacho, mango sangria and even that devine margarita cheesecake, Mary made.  Oh gee, I might as well just ask for the entire, light but oh so yummy, menu.   

Thursday, July 12, 2012


A few months ago, I discovered with delight that many of the classic literary works are available on Amazon for Kindle download at the lavish sum of $0.00.  Yep, they are free.  I promptly downloaded all of Thomas Hardy's works and proceeded to delve into a re-read of Tess of the d'Urbervilles.  I remembered it from my college days as a rather erotic read with heart wrenching, tragic ending.  No change there, but my older wiser psyche was touched in a different manner with this reading.   In present day culture innocence in a young woman seems neither expected or valued.  The fact that I only discussed reading this story with one friend speaks to the lack of openness of the era.  It was the beginning of the sexual revolution.

Fast forward to the present and the most often mentioned publication is the tantalizingly graphic Fifty Shades of Grey.   Imagine my surprise, when the title character gifts the protagonist valuable first editions of Hardy's tragic tale.  The current story reads a little like a "valley girl" fantasy and the plot bears none of the richness of Thomas Hardy's storytelling.  I have only read about halfway through the first book and am not yet committed to purchase the remaining two books of the trilogy.  It is a provocative bit of entertainment.  I do hope this heroine will fare better than my "Tess"!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Back in Dogpatch, and ready to just gel for awhile, it's time for a bit of self evaluation.  I am at a time in my life when few responsibilities weigh upon me.  No job requires my presence.  Family makes little demand of time or effort.  Friends are available but undemanding.  Introspection seems to swirl without permission.  Looking inward, I search for a new sense of purpose but it doesn't seem to erupt.  I'm not so sure that's a bad thing.  Perhaps of bit of relaxation and a day or two of simple reflection will set me on the proper path.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Stimulating the Economy

It's been a busy week in the South Texas Hills.  Arriving late Tuesday night and enjoying a July 4th holiday with kids and friends, Thursday meant hitting high gear.  We seem to be making baby steps with our hill country house.  Enough furnishings are in place to function, but a couple of rooms remain unfurnished and others are sparsely set.  Yard work must be tackled at once and again before we leave.  Mail must be retrieved and restarted for delivery.  The back of the property is changing and will soon accommodate the new garage/playhouse.  Getting plans prepared and researching supply costs requires multiple efforts for each step.  Meanwhile, we enjoy visiting with friends and attending gatherings whenever we are here.

This week I felt we were part of an economic stimulus team.  Our purchases have continued while Son and Daughter in Law have been ordering upgrades to their home.  It seems we all have a bit of a furniture itch, and of course some things must be purchased when changing houses or in our case, adding one.

Young friends, home for a break from the military, others with birthdays and holiday celebrations resulted in a marathon of shopping.  Perhaps we are the answer to the slumping economy. We certainly made our contribution this week.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fire in the Sky

It's the first time in ten years that fireworks over Bull Shoals Lake was not part of our July 4th party.  The times, they are a-changin'.  In Dogpatch this day is always a jubilant time.  We have cooked out, cooked in, attended large gatherings and family reunions every year since discovering the joy of  this little  mountain town.  We found our favorite places to gather for a view of the much anticipated display.  Grandchildren were issued glow sticks and glow bracelets to wear.  It made it very easy to keep an eye on them and they thought they were just playing with fire!  The parties continue in Dogpatch, but we were not there to share.  I have felt a sadness most of the day with this loss.

We actually had a great day with Son and Daughter In Law and a couple of friends.  We met more of our  Texas neighbors and they have made us feel welcome and included.  By next year, I bet we will be well into planning for my favorite holiday.  The cookout hosted by Son and DIL was delightful, but we almost stayed too late to see the fireworks.  No matter where I may be, I always insist on seeing public displays of fireworks.  It's one of the major joys in my summer.  Family and friends all know they cannot be missed.

As we sat munching on the last of the watermelon, one of the friends mentioned that the fireworks should be underway in our little town on the lake.  That was our cue to make a quick race for the new hometown. We were told the display was awe inspiring from the city park.  That could have been an understatement.  As we followed the road through the hills, an occasional burst would appear.  By the time we arrived, the build up to the finale was in progress.  You can bet I will be here in time for the first light of sparklers next year.  Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Half the year is behind us!  That is rather hard to believe since I'm not so sure I ever finished 2011.  I'm ready for the whirlwind dust to settle in our life.  Maybe it's time to make a New Year's resolution, however late it may be.

It's time to stop looking back and move to the next stage of life.  Health issues will be ongoing for Ol' Abner.  He is working hard to overcome his challenges and I applaud his determination and resilience. My health is good and for that I am thankful.  I will continue efforts to strengthen my aging body and spirit.

The travels I had hoped to enjoy have been curtailed by other priorities.  Finding and getting established in another home have been time and dollar consuming.  We made the decision to return to Texas and the decision still feels very right.  That does not take away my longing to see far away places.  I love the Ozarks and their proximity to some of those destinations I wanted to visit.  These days, even our short trips are limited to medical visits to the state capitol.  Son and Daughter In Law are dreaming about a trip to Ireland in the next year or so.  I have urged them not to postpone when the opportunity presents.

For now, I will raise my resolve to look forward while taking satisfaction in the progress made to this point in the year.  My mind still wanders often to wonder "What if?", in more ways than one!