Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wings in the Sky

This cloud  was visible yesterday afternoon.  Someone in our group had seen one similar  before.  She  thinks there is a name for this  particular  type of cloud.   Having never seen one quite like it before, I could not resist the urge to snap a photo.   It almost appeared to be pulling out of a rainbow.   
Just a Cloud?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Chirp, Chirp, Chill

Bluebirds and woodpeckers were everywhere yesterday as I walked through the wooded area or our little town.  Sightings of these early harbingers of spring made me smile.  Hopeful that warmer days couldn't be far away, I indulged in several hours outdoors.   Plants in the yard have been trimmed and watered.  Dead sprouts have been cut back or shredded.  My mood was sunny all day long.

Not so today.  Weather forecast listed cooler temperatures, but not this!  It's almost noon and the fog hasn't yet lifted.  At 33 degrees, weather app says it feels like 27.  I agree!  I thought maybe a walk would make me feel better, but opening the front door to the "outdoor refrigerator" was all the chill my aging bones would endure.

Hope those little bluebirds are faring better than this humble birdwatcher.  I guess I'll just stay inside and knit today.  Warm socks may be needed soon.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Not so Pretty in Pink

It's hunting season.  I always thought deer hunting was allowed for about a month beginning in early November.  In our state hunting deer has way too many options.  There is a season for archery hunting, muzzleloaders, modern guns, doe only season and even a season for youth using a modern gun.  The sport actually is allowed in some form until the end of February.  It's hard to believe any of the critters can survive the October 1 through February 29 siege, but herds of a dozen or more frequently parade down through the holler behind our house.

A couple of nights ago the dog was outside longer than usual and was slow to come out of the holler when called.  We knew exactly what she had been doing when she came in licking her lips and smelling of death.

Some careless hunters have been known to just throw the remains of the deer carcass into the woods after harvesting the choice meat.  The last time Belle indulged in a feast of rotting meat, she had a serious upset to her digestion. Ten days of an antibiotic with twice daily doses of the nasty pink stuff were required for recovery.  Prophylactic action with a full syringe of pink liquid hopefully prevented a recurrence of the loose stools, but had no effect on the awful smell.

I'd like to give the carcass chucking hunters a piece of my mind.  No, I'd like to have them take a deep deep breath and let my dog breathe on them.  Then they can stand in slinging distance as she tries to shake the pink stuff out of her mouth before she swallows it.  Oh yes, the vision of hunters with pink spatter all over their face would be perfect revenge.  Belle might not agree.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Simmering Superstition

Yesterday was Friday the 13th.  The superstitious significance of the date was pretty much unnoticed on the mountain, or so I thought.  It would appear the unrest lurked just under the surface all over our little town.  The cold wind couldn't hold it's own against the conflicts brewing.  Members of city council rebelled against the mayor as he defended his golden boy employee...better known as head bully.  A special meeting was called and the result was three day suspension of head bully.  He returned to work yesterday, as it simmered.

Others dealt with conflicting issues sufficient to decide retirement may need to happen sooner than later.

Couples shared loaded comments with one another and seemed to ignore the upcoming repercussions.

Belle and I walked in the biting cold wind without the company of our usual neighborhood companions.  She tried to join a man walking alone several times and by the third or fourth time we passed him I guess he finally adjusted his route to avoid another encounter.  Leaving home well bundled and wearing multiple layers against the frigid temperature, I returned no longer cold.  In fact, I was sweating and simmering.  Ol' Abner thought he had heard me return and locked the front door.  After knocking with no response, I finally  hit the doorbell, over and over again.  As I had been well hydrated before I left, my patience was wearing thinner than my bladder.

It may be awhile before all the simmering boils over.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Walking around our little berg gives me a sense of peace most days.  Last fall I noticed the number of flags flown proudly  around town.  Even on a day not necessarily a patriotic holiday, most of the homes display a flag on sort of staff.  As I walked my mile, I counted nineteen flags along the way.  Some large, some small, but all properly displayed.  Proper flag etiquette is common knowledge in an area where many military retirees and veterans live.

We take the right to wave the flag or not for granted in this country.  Not all citizens of the world enjoy this privilege and some are unaware of it's lack.  Residents of Dogpatch are fiercely loyal to the line of the political divide they follow, but their patriotism is unquestioned.  I like that.  Ol' Abner was somewhat taken aback when he read in the Homeowner Association guidelines of the area of Texas where we sought to buy a home, that no flagpoles of any type were allowed.

The flags flying in Dogpatch are met with a new level of appreciation on this quiet morning.  I am grateful for the neighbors sharing our pride of country and gladly maintaining it's symbol.  I am grateful to live in a country where our freedoms are protected and our right to agree or disagree with our government can be freely expressed.

Though I seldom wear my patriotism or my religion on my sleeve, both beliefs are deeply ingrained in my psyche.  July 4th, Independence Day, is my favorite holiday for many reasons.  I love the spirit, the uninhibited feasting, flag waving at it's best and of course the lack of need to purchase gifts.  Not a fan of shooting fireworks myself, I never miss the fireworks display wherever I may be for the holiday.

The Flag of the United States of America can be flown with pride in our nation. I am thankful for that!

Hopefully we will always live where patriotism is encouraged and pride in country can be displayed.  Flags and the staffs from which they hang should
always be properly maintained. A second flag for state, military affiliation or sports loyalty is always a nice touch.
New York Yankee Flag

In my opinion, SOME flagpoles are just wasted!
One would seem so to this Texas Ranger fan!  It is a free country.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Trauma in the Hills

Some time ago, Ol' Abner and I decided we should probably leave Dogpatch and move to a softer gentler group of hills.  Texas Hill Country has always held strong appeal for us, so we put our home on the market and waited.  A very sluggish real estate market has generated two rather disappointing showings of the house and no truly interested buyers.   Recent review of possible options allowed us to consider keeping this house and purchasing a second in the Texas Hill Country.  We could keep the boats and most of Ol' Abner's outdoor toys here for use when we choose to "vacation" on this lake.  Joining the ranks of friends enjoying the benefits of dual state residences has become rather appealing.

Texas roads are much more forgiving when traveling to healthcare facilities.  Our options for his medical care would be 15 to 30 minutes from home rather than the three hour trek down the winding mountain roads from Dogpatch.  The plan was to find and purchase a small home in a fairly new subdivision on an easily maintained landscape.  Plans changed!

As we looked at small lot homes, Ol'  Abner became more and more agitated.  Remembering the abundance of lakes surrounding the area where we searched, he quickly reversed our plan.  Large lots with buildings to store the boats and miscellaneous items with wheels were incorporated into the search.  We finally found a large lot development in a rural area with all the space requirements.  One home was particularly appealing and had the space for adding an additional garage at the back of the corner lot to house boats with easy drive out when ready to use them.  After several visits to the house and the area, we submitted a contract, haggled over the price, and finally agreed to pay more than we wanted to spend.

Totally relieved and mentally taking ownership of the home, we began to make our plans.  We requested Property Owner Association covenants and restrictions.  Additional buildings had been added on many of the properties and we had no doubt the outbuilding we planned would only enhance the area.   Arriving home, we found the covenants were in my e-mail and I quickly printed all 65 pages so we could review setback and construction requirements.  Uh-Oh!  Typical architectural integrity requirements were no surprise.  That's what makes the neighborhood remain consistently attractive.  I noticed a couple of hiccups, but was appalled that a driveway elevated from the ditch by installation of a culvert was strictly prohibited.  Our realtor made a call to the representative of the association, only to be advised that the requirement would be strictly enforced.  A driveway poured into a steep grade of a bar ditch makes backing and towing a large boat difficult and rather dangerous.

Luckily we were still in the "opt out" period when a small price could be paid to terminate the contract.  We did.  While we should be relieved, a certain level of grief is more the experience.  I am sure the "right" home is there for us.  It may not even be on the market yet, but daughter in law had already helped me arrange furniture and begin decorating (verbally).  Now we must begin the process again.  Such trauma!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This year Ol' Abner and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary. That is identified as the "pearl anniversary" with a gift of pearl being appropriate. Since I have owned a lovely strand of pearls for many years, that isn't on the list of possible special anniversary mementos. A delicate necklace bearing two small pearls was a part of one of my favorite designer's collections. He surprised me with that necklace at Christmas to celebrate our fortieth holiday season together.

Hints for a luxury vehicle in the pearl color finish have been side stepped just as were conversations for years regarding my choice for a new car. He can be creative with his gifting...or at times, downright obtuse! I guess I'll just have to wait and see where he lands with this one.

I have just over a month to find that perfect "pearl" for him. Stay tuned.